Viewing the Supplier Detail Record

Any user with the appropriate rights can view Supplier Detail records. The Supplier Detail record displays relevant supplier information.

  1. From the SmartSolve Portal Page, click the Home tab at the top of the window.
  2. In the Setup and Policy section, click Setup.
  3. In the Supplier section, click Suppliers.
    Result: The Supplier Detail record is displayed.
Section/Tab Description


The header of the Supplier record is always displayed at the top of the window and contains the following information:

  • Supplier Type – Displays type of supplier, such as Vendor.
  • Supplier Classification – Displays the classification of the supplier, such as Minor.
  • Supplier Risk Level - Displays the Ranking of the risk associated with the supplier. The higher the risk, the more the supplier may negatively impact supply chain resiliency.
  • Supplier Status – Displays the current status of the supplier, such as In Process or Current.
  • Participates in Quality Portal – Specifies whether or not the supplier participates in the Supplier Quality Portal.
  • Modified Date – Displays the date when the supplier was last updated.
  • Next Periodic Review Date - Displays the date of the next periodic review.
  • Last Audit Date - Displays the date when the last audit was performed.

Supplier Information

The Supplier Information section displays all of the basic information for the supplier.

Supplier Site Information

The Supplier Site Information section displays all of the site information for the supplier.

Contact Information

The Contact Information section displays the contact information for the supplier.

Part, Receiving Location or Supplier Site Information

The Part, Receiving Location or Supplier Site Information section displays the Part, Receiving Location or Supplier Site Information for the supplier.


The Certification section displays any certifications that the supplier has, such as ISO9001.


The Attachment section displays all of the attachments tied to the Supplier record.


The Activity section displays all automatically and manually entered activities for the record.

Supplier Scores Tab

The Supplier Scores tab displays all current supplier scores and a breakdown of the scores.

Rating Schedule Tab

The Rating Schedule tab displays a list of rating schedules for the supplier.

Inspection State Tab

The Inspection State tab displays the current inspection state for all parts associated with the supplier.

Receipt Tab

The Receipt tab displays all receipts related to the supplier.

Inspection Tab

The Inspection tab displays all inspections related to the supplier.

NC Tab

The NC tab displays all NCs related to the supplier.


The CAPA tab displays all CAPAs related to the supplier.

Audit Tab

The Audit tab displays the audits created for the supplier. Information about each audit is included and a link from the Audit Number displays the Audit Detail.

Supplier Request Tab

The Supplier Request tab displays all supplier requests related to the supplier.

NOTE: For additional functionality in the Supplier record, see Supplier Other Actions.

See Also

Supplier Setup


Supplier Other Actions



Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM